New Things Are Coming

I’m doing this to be more transparent to the email I sent a couple of weeks ago, so let’s get into it.

UPDATE:  Now that I have a little down time, let me further explain what has been going down.  The ministry is going well.  Off to a slow start, but that is to be expected when things change.  If you visit the blog, you will see a purple donate button with a heart in it. The donate button goes to Givebutter as a way to raise funds for our cause.  That cause is to mentor, counsel, provide food, shoes or fulfill any need where we can assist including informing those of resources that are available to help.  You can donate to more than one cause, if the spirit moves you to bless more than one.

When you text NGM to (202) 858 – 1233. you will have 8 choices on how you want to give:

Youth and Young Adults – providing clothes, shoes, school supplies, hygiene products or whatever they may need including mentoring and/or counseling services.

Families – food and/or help with their utilities (gift cards), counseling, providing any resources they may need to help their families feel safe

Seniors – help with food and/or utilities (gift cards) or anything else that may need our assistance

Blessings To All (General) – this is just a general fund if you have no group in particular you wish to donate to

Promotion Sunday – is in May where I recognized students, PreK – 12, being promoted to the next grade **have been doing this for over 8 years**

Back To School – getting backpacks, school supplies, lunch money (not everyone qualifies for the free lunches) or anything else the school may require for their education.  This is yearlong, so when they need help, we have the funds to assist.

Thanksgiving – on providing meals to those who need it.  Even if it’s just a turkey, some sides, desserts or drinks.  Some families have enough for some of their Thanksgiving dinner, but not everything they may want/need.  Then there are the families that don’t have anything at all to eat.

Christmas – providing gift cards so families can purchase what they need for the holidays, and it is not always toys.

For years, with the help of some donors, me and the hubby did what we could for how many we could help but now is the time to be humble and ask for donations from others so we can help more people.  So many more people need help and we need to get on the ball and do what we can to help. Remember, God blesses us so we can bless others not to keep the blessings to ourselves.

I chose to give gift cards because we were once in that situation where we needed help.  We would be given a Walmart gift card but what we needed was at Kroger’s or we would get a Kroger’s gift card and what we needed was clothes and shoes from Walmart.  By giving out visa gift cards, those who receive them can use them for whatever they need.  Whether it be to pay a bill, get food, clothes or whatever they stand in the of need at the particular time.

How this ministry will be helpful is by me remembering when my family was in that situation and thinking about the help we received and how it helped my family.  By doing that, I help with making sure those who need help get just what they need to release a little of the stress, or burden, on them and/or their family.

Emails will now be coming from NextGen and not Constant Contact.  I did like the service, but I got more responses when you all saw the email came straight from me so there was no need to keep paying for that service.  Any topics you want me to touch on, send me an email and we’ll talk about it.  Keep in mind, I will not discuss political or negative topics, we have enough platforms covering those already.  I am here to uplift, inform and have you see life from a different perspective.

Anytime donations are used, you will know about it. I’m a firm believer in keeping people in the loop when they trust me to bless souls with their donations whether with money, time or items.  We will also collaborate with other people/ministries, that are in line with our mission, helping them out anyway we can help.  That may be asking for donations to help them or asking for volunteers when they go into the community.  One organization cannot help everyone, we have to work together to reach as many souls as we can using all resources available to do so.

Changes are still coming, the website will get a change, the ecommerce will get more products added and we will start doing vending events to get our name out there and to sell products that will help fund the ministry as well.  Between selling bake goods (JTS Cakes & Bake) and all the merchandise sold, 100% goes back to the ministry.  I cannot ask for you to donate you donate your hard-earned money and we not make donations ourselves, so we too are putting money back into the ministry to reach more souls.

Every other week we will post new products for you to see and purchase.  Please be advised, anything you see on a mug can be made into a shirt.  We also do some personalized products as well.

Thank you for starting on this journey with me, so many years ago, and for all the support to keep me going when I was ready to stop.  Thank you all for being my confirmation in what God called me to do, I will continue to fight for those who feel they have no fight left and I know I will not be fighting alone.


Ways to get motivated: 

Blog:  Home – RevStefanie73

Motivation: Motivational – RevStefanie73


Esty: HappySadFunnyMad | Etsy


Youtube: RevStefanie73 – YouTube (subscribe, like and leave a comment)

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