What To Do

Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.


Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me well, knows if you got a reason to praise, I’m praising right there with you.  Some have even made me bring out my tambourines and dance right along with them as they gave God the glory for bringing them out of their circumstance.  Why?  For the same reason this verse says, “Rejoice with them that rejoice”.  When someone is rejoicing, for whatever the reason, we should be praising right along with them.  To see people rejoicing should tell you that your breakthrough is coming so go ahead and celebrate with them.  This verse also says, “and weep with them that weep”.  When people are rejoicing, rejoice with them but then they are sad be sad with them as well. 

Words are just words; sometimes people need someone who will cry with them.  Again, I will do just that with you too.  Not with fake tears either, when I see people I know and/or love in pain, and even those I don’t know, I am in pain right along with them and that is how it is supposed to be with the children of God.  If your fellow man is hurting, you are hurting.  If they are crying, you are crying. We should not get too big in our lives to not feel when someone is in serious need of a shoulder to cry on …literally.  It helps the healing process for that person if they see that you “actually” care about how they are feeling.  Not only does your words show them you are concerned, but your actions do too.  Now, not everyone can just cry at a drop of a hat and really mean it but you would be surprised how a little affection towards someone who is having a rough day goes into helping them feel better and continue on the path.

Today be that true friend/colleague/ acquaintance or whatever is needed for the situation.  Sometimes people just need someone to be there for them to cry on and talk out their situation. They don’t always expect you to answer them or offer a solution; most times they need to just talk it out to get their own solution to the problem.  Be that listening ear, if they ask for your opinion/thoughts, give it thoughtfully and respectfully.  Remember, you are there to help them through this particular situation not solve it for them.  Pray with them and for them, that God will step in and lead them in the way He wants them to go so they can rejoice in how they got over.  Remember the soul you save, could be your own.

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