Hope you all had a blessed Mother’s Day!!!!
It is nice to have a holiday, but mother’s are celebrated everyday not just one day a year. Mother’s were created to hold the family together while nurturing, teaching and pass on family traditions. Mother’s do not get a sick day, if we don’t feel well we still have to push thought it. The family depends on mom to help with homework, cook, clean, give advice and dish out a whole lot of love.
It takes a strong women to be a mom. There are so many times we just want to find a corner and just cry from all the stress and weight of the world on our shoulders, but at the same time we would not trade the feeling of being a mom for anything. A mother is not only for those who gave birth to a child but for those who took on the role because no one else would. In one day a mom could be happy, ecstatic, depressed, fearful, hopeful, worried, concerned and angry but she can get on her knees to pray and get back up to take world head on with no fear.
Don’t wait for Mother’s Day to show your love and appreciation to the women that made it all possible for you. Including the ones that was there for you, when no one else bothered, that you consider a mother figure. Let them know what they mean to you, not just on Mother’s Day but everyday.
*no video this week*