God’s Church

(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) – 1-Timothy-3-5

We have people leading us in the church who can’t even lead their own house. Meaning you have hell and high water going on in your house but try to promote peace and love in the church. You try to tell someone else how they should discipline their children and your own children are rebels without a cause. You are trying to give marriage advice to someone and when you and your spouse have a “side” life.

We have way too many leaders and not enough followers in the church, and everyone is trying to “one up” the next person. This verse asks a simple question, if you cannot get your own house under control how can you lead the people of the church? It has nothing to do with if you can your pay your bills on time or if you can keep your credit score above 650, it means if you can’t lead the souls in your own house to God, how can you lead the souls in His church?

We have too many people living double lives: not walking what they are talking, not practicing what they preach, living one way at home but showing a different way in the church. People see this and start to question why they should go to church when the church is doing the same thing they are doing in the streets. It’s the same as you wanting a promotion at work; you can’t handle the work load they give you, so why should you get promoted where the workload could double or triple? You want to get that Bachelor or Master’s Degree, but it took all you had to pass the classes to get the first degree because you said it was too much. The church is the same way, to be called by God is an honor but if we can’t be that walking bible living the life we are trying to teach others…what are we really doing?

Today be that living testimony. Let us be what God called us to be and live our lives the same way we minister to others. We go by what they see with our eyes, so if we are preaching one way and they see us another way…why would they listen us? Let us do better in living the same way we minister to others, and yes, we all are ministers in some form or fashion, time to let our art imitate our life. Live, Love & Learn

Motivational: Motivational – RevStefanie73
Community News: Community News – RevStefanie73
Youtube: https://youtu.be/EQ5Lb9IcLlA
Podcast: Set your soul free with Stefanie (buzzsprout.com)
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