He Promised Me

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36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Hebrews-10-36/

We have missed out on so many blessings because of our lack of patience.   God made promises, and He has kept every one of them, it is us that keeps breaking our promises to Him. Because of our continued broken promises to Him, we cannot receive His promises to us.  We live in a world that is fast, quick and is always trying to find a loophole to get what we want faster than when we really need it. 

BeBe Winans sings a song called “He Promise Me” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4NMLDsXoOg and in that song, he talks about how God is a healer, a protector, a deliverer and a provider.  Only God can be all this at the same time and still be an on-time God whenever we are in need.  God can do all these things because of the patience He has with us.  It is because of God’s patience that we have what we have today.

How many times has God asked us to do something and we did not do it?  How many times has He waited on YOU to do something that YOU prayed to Him for and yet YOU dragged your feet and received partial, or none, of blessings that was meant for YOU?  To this day, God is still having patient with us because we STILL don’t do what is expected of us but we don’t have the patience for our children, or our jobs, or with the world in general.

April 17th is Easter Sunday, the day we are once again told the story of how Jesus got up from the grave.  It is also the day of Easter egg hunts and stores selling all things bunny.  There is nothing wrong with kids having fun hunting for eggs as long as they understand the true meaning of Easter.  It is up to us to teach them and make sure they understand the sacrifice Jesus made, when He died. so that we could live.

Today keep your promise to God.  Be nice to others, do something unexpected for someone else that will bless them.  Spend time with your family, reconnect with a lost soul and bring healing to a hurting soul.  Now, more than ever, we need the promises of God to step in and heal this evil world.  We need His promises to step in and cleanse us all from all the sins we have committed against one another, and ourselves.  Today do the best you can to keep your promises to God, so He can fulfill His promises to you.

Motivational: Motivational – RevStefanie73                                    

Youtube: https://youtu.be/WLux2vgG_m4

Podcast:  https://setyoursoulfreewithstefanie.buzzsprout.com/        

Esty:  HappySadFunnyMad | Etsy

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