New Year, New Opportunities

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (KJV)

2021 brought death, depression, despair, uncertainty and fear.  The question is are you going to bring that with you in 2022?  2022 is a time of new beginnings, new adventures, new challenges and new blessings.

This verse is telling us that anyone that be in Christ is a new creature.  That means we are revived anew and not being the old version of ourselves.  Our things are gone and all the old will become new.  This means the old things are gone and are placed with new things.  The problem is some people do not want to let go of the old things.  Some rather keep holding on to old things (sentimental value I guess…who knows) but we cannot be blessed with the new God wants to put in our live due to having no room for it because of the old things we still carry around like trophies. 

We wonder why our situations don’t change, or get worse, it’s because we hold on to things God told us to get rid of many times over and over again.  By continuing to hold on to the old, we cannot make room to receive the new.  Ask yourself, what about my old things makes me want to keep them?  What am I afraid of what would happen if I did let thing old things go?  God wants to remove our old to replace with new, but He will not fight us do it.  We either want His blessings or not.

This is a year of strength, endurance, resilience, determination and healing.  We will have to let old thing go to be able to move in the direction God wants to go.  Fear will still be around, but it won’t stop us.  Anger will still be around, but it won’t lead us.  Doubt and confusion will still be around, but it won’t defy us.  This year we need to make way for new things, because our old things will have to be replaced. 

I have to make to way for new things that God has placed in my path.  That means new network connections, new business adventures and new ways to reach souls.  I would not have been able go accomplish what I have thus far if I hung on to old things.  I let some old things go and God replaced them with new things and those new things opened up doors I wound not have known was there at all.

Letting go of old things is scary.  We have gotten comfortable to our old things that it has become our security blanket, but once upon a time, those old things was once new.  Time to let go and move on.  Put your trust in God and let Him show you what is waiting for you when let go of the old and pick up the new.  Stay Blessed

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