Podcast: I Have Been Blessed

Welcome to my podcast

I want to first thank each you for blessing me with your presence since I started this journey, back in January 2020, with the blog. I mentioned then that I wanted to do a podcast to get the word out to as many souls as possible and now God says the same. My podcast site is, revstefanie73pod.com, the podcast is called “Set your soul free with Stefanie”.  I wanted to keep it simple, as far as the website location. On the podcast site, go to podcast tab and there you will see the latest episodes of motivation / inspiration. As I get on other podcast platforms, they will be listed on that page as well so you can listen on the podcast platform of your choice.

It it still a work in progress, but I was not going to keep stopping it from going live because of things that could get added as I moved along. I will find a way to also put the podcast on YouTube, for those who are more comfortable using that platform. It is all about reaching you where you are more comfortable.

Again thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement since I started this journey. I could not have gotten to this point without you all. Bless you

Motivation: Motivational – RevStefanie73

Pictures: Pictures – RevStefanie73

Podcast: Set your soul free with Stefanie (buzzsprout.com)

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