We Give You All The Praise

PSALMS 71:8 KJV “Let my mouth be filled [with] thy praise [and with] thy honour all the day.”(kingjamesbibleonline.org)

If we do what Jesus asks us to do, there would be less evil in the world. Our mouths would be praising Him all day and we would be helping our fellow brothers and sisters instead of tearing them down. We would be honoring God all day long and not have any time to find ways to hurt people with our acts violence or with our words.

We cannot just blame the situations of the world to one particular thing, or person, it is ALL OUR FAULT!!!!  When one person showed it was okay to be evil, evil started to come out from everyone and from everywhere.  So, if evil brought out the evil that was hidden in people, what will the light of God in people bring out?

It’s time to stop hiding and time to start fighting for what is right and what is good.  Not all people are evil, but we as children of God, are not doing our job to prove that point.  It has to start with us doing something good for someone that makes them want to do something good for someone else.  Only then will the goodness of God spread like wildfire catching hold to those who don’t even want it, but cannot resist it.

Today let your mouth be filled with nothing but praise and honor. When something negative happens, find the praise in it and give God the glory.  Everything negative is not always what it seems, find the light in the negativity and give Him the glory and the praise for letting you go through that negative time.  If you didn’t go through that time, you could not be a testimony to the next person that will need your guidance for when they go through their negative period.

Stay Blessed!!!!

Lacus Nail FB Page: https://revstefanie73.com/good-service/

Motivational Word:  Motivational – RevStefanie73

Pictures:  Pictures – RevStefanie73

Video:  https://youtu.be/saXCMDvdRhk

Doug Williams – Living Testimony: doug williams living testimony – YouTube

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