Welcome Back to School!

School is a full swing now with the colleges going back on the 22nd.  Let us continue to pray for all the students, parents and faculty. The devil is busy, and not with just the students, but school officials as well.  Sometimes what they think is better for our kids, is not, and our kids are the ones who pay the price for it. 

As parents, guardians and/or love ones let us not take matters into our own hands but let God direct our paths.  Our patience will be tested, and we will have to learn how to “help” our kids and not “hinder” them. That means, when there is a problem, don’t go into the situation cussing and accusing everyone in sight. This will not only embarrass them but label you as well. 

Even if you make your point, our kids now have to face their classmates after your “behavior” and that may not turn out any better for them because now they’re being bullied for a whole new reason.  This will cause them to shut down and not tell us anything if they get into any kind of trouble.

Times have changed and kids are much meaner, sneakier and more heartless than they were 20 years ago.  Even the bullies have more ways to get to our kids than they did back in our time.  Back then you were just talked about; maybe you fought, but now you have the mental abuse, the physical abuse, the cyber abuse, the emotional abuse…the list goes on and on how kids today can be bullied.

As parents, we need to be more observant and be ready to notice when things are not right with our kids.  Get ahead of the game, that way you can stop the game before it has a chance to get started.

Motivation: Motivational – RevStefanie73

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