To Be Thankful

“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.”

I pray Thanksgiving was a blessed day for you all.  Spending time with family, getting out and socializing face to face, being safe through it all.  Even though we have lost family, friends, and for some jobs we still have a lot as well. 

A couple of weeks ago, I lost my aunt and Thanksgiving would have been her 81st birthday. It was hard, but I can truly say she has been healed of her sickness.  Everything she had gone through, God released her from it all.  My aunt got her mansion, but it was not due to Covid or her illness.  God came for her and she was ready to move on to her new life.

Thanksgiving should be a time of reflection, excitement, enjoying family and enjoying life.  I pray that is what you all did and had fun…safely.  Now is not the time to dwell on what we don’t have or what we lost, but to remember all we have gained and what we still have left.  Loving on family, seeing friends, returning to work are all blessings of why we should be thankful. For some it may not be so easy for what, or how, they lost their happiness. 

That is where we step in and remind them of the good that is still in their life and the work they still can accomplish.  It is up to us to remind them that when things look dark and hopeless, there is light to guide them and bring them help.  We need to stand in for those who feel the world is caving in on them, the ones who feel nobody cares, those who feel there is nothing that anyone can do to help them feel loved by somebody.  We need to step in and show love, compassion and understanding helping them to get their self-esteem back up so they can see all is not lost and they can do it.

Every day is a day of thanksgiving, we should be giving thanks every time we wake up, every time we move our body, every time we open the fridge and find something eat and every time we get a paycheck from somebody somewhere.  All these are reasons to give thanks to God for all He has done for us and do all we can to give back to those who may not have the options available to them to get the assistance they need.

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, He is good. 

Motivational:  Motivational – RevStefanie73

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