Your Church: Are You Being Spiritually Fed?

People keep using the excuse, “I’m not being spiritually fed at my church”.  Your church should not have to feed you a full meal, you should have already had the appetizer before you got there.  You should be half full when you walk in the doors of the church, just needing the service giving you a top off so you can overflow with God’s blessings.  If you come to church expecting answers to all your questions, you won’t get them because you are not asking the right person.

Why?  Because that conversation is between you and God and God expects you to come to Him and look for the answers yourself.  To find the answers, you need to put in the work.  Stop expecting God, your pastor and other people to solve your problems for you.  How will you learn how to deal with life if other people are doing it your work for you? You got a problem, go to God to seek the answer. Only He can show you the way, or start on the path, and only He put people in your path to help you along the way.

The reason why the church is dying?  You’re not putting nothing into it.  Coming in late, then leaving early, starting mess that had nothing to do with you, hindering instead of helping and preventing people from praising God because misery likes company.  All these are reasons are why people are leaving the church, or not willing do anything to lift their church up by volunteering their gifts, because they expect someone else to come along and handle the situation…but no one does, and the church starts to wither and die.

You want to be spiritually fed at your church?  Start pre-heating the oven before you get there.  Start volunteering your gifts to get the church back to where should be a holy place where souls can find safety, answers and peace.

Special Guest:  Todd Martin – Host of The Go Time Podcast

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